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Not much is known about Aatrox, except that one day he appeared on Kronwagen along with several others, not much is known about him, as he can't seem to remember his past, one could not know wether this is true or not. He seems to be hunted by hunted by the Black Knight for unknown reasons. Aatrox seems to get stronger with time quicker for others, supposidly from supernatural elements. Standbyers have noticed that he has gained a sword out of nowhere, but it seems to be apart of him in a way, linked with him in every way, almost as its him. Some people found out he is from Myldia and he tries to keep it an secret as he now knows people would exile him from society or even kill him. Its known he wants to make a Kvass brewery. Aatrox by the point of this story has possesed two people by now, a hell mage called Markynaz (Dietrich RHiers/Black knight Brother) and an unnamed knight after Aatrox was killed and captured by an wendigo.


  • Somehow traveled from Myldia to Dharatee.
  • Killed Aloris
  • Formed a brewery which was money wise succsessfull. (Later sold it)
  • Defeated Atereus, the first of the three mystical knights.
  • Participated in killing 2 (second mystical knight)
  • "Defeated" 3 (the third mystical knight)
  • Participated in the massacare in Lishel
  • Was one of the leading soldiers in the "Redi" war.


  • "Aatrox's Surge" A surge of energy that lasts 90 seconds. It is a surge of energy that stems from his sword, usually when he is in danger or at random times during day.


he's known to the townsfolk, they dont mind him.
