Aloris Ianxisys

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Aloris was a tall "Elfpyre", who arrived at Kronwagen by ship. Aloris seemed friendly and was a very logical person, he used to think things over before making choices. Overall, Aloris was secretive about his past, only rarely sharing information about his past. Aloris had some weird traits and characteristics, such as his feelings as superiority over some other races, he had an irrational fear of water, he also suffered from a strange ailment, that sometimes left his mind blank, with him only mumbling strange sentences in a language unknown to those that had heard it, only the sentence "Immortalis sanguis regnat superior" has been transcribed, the meaning, still not yet understood.


  • Actively helped the citizens of Forzen clear out Cockatrice.
  • Started ROCKS INC. a rock proccessing company that made building materials.
  • Actively wrote books against the C.A. and protested their movements.


  • "Blood Protection" A 'spell' that was cast upon Aloris when in dire situations, making him invincible for a short time.


Aloris wasn't well known to most, but his reputation dwindled after supposedly luring a Watchman to Königstadt, causing the death of that town. (Accused)

Aloris was also an avid protestor of the C.A. overtaking Kronwagen and Forzen
