Battle for Cornwall

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The Battle

The battle took place in the city of Plymouth, which was supposedly a important strategic point for the upcoming invasion of Ireland.


After failing horribly in The Doncaster Offensive, they attempted something that looked a bit easier to take.

Fascist Britain had taken most of the ports at this point, the only one remaining in Northern Scotland, so the attack on Plymouth was the most important attack of them all, if this failed, all supply to Britain would be lost indefinitely.


As the morning sun rose, the attackers soon reached the outskirts of the Plymouth Research, where the first exchange of fire took place. A German tank was stationed and firing at the outskirts, and two more were stationed inside the city centre.

Taking the outskirts proved to be quite easy though, as the flat lands around showed to be an easy flanking route. The outskirts were taken and the tank destroyed.

Moving further into the city however, the battle took a turn, as 2 Panzer IV's rolled around to building corner to meet the group head-on. They dived for cover in a building, whilst the tanks continued to search for them.

Whilst in cover, they started to conspire on how to take down the tanks, and at the end they decided on throwing grenades down the hatch of the capolar. After this another smaller Panzer II Luchs approached the city, but quickly turned around seeing the British had taken control, and it was no match alone. The Fascist troops that weren't killed, fled to Ireland from the Plymouth port.


After this success, a boost in morale happened, and the troops gleefully marched towards Portsmouth, in an attempt to capture another port in the English Channel.

See also