Baubles CWS XIII

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List of Baubles.

Superstitious Hat

Applies an extra level of looting, created from a woolly material only found on the easternmost continent, perhaps by the legendary leprechaun?

Scarf of invisibility

Turns the wearer invisible, created in the old magic temples of the jungle. Wearer suffers heavy mental loss when using this, could be permanent.


Cloud in a bottle

Allows the wearer to double jump, can be very dangerous if the wearer weighs over 65 KG. The air inside this bottle comes straight from the skies of Aphithra.

Obsidian Skulls

Antidote Vessel

Greatly reduces the duration of negative effects, Blue Elvian medication, overdosing on this or using it too much can be fatal.

Universal Attractor

Attracts nearby items

Crystal Heart

Increases the wearer's maximum health, some say it has a direct connection to the Sol Visage.

Feral Claws

Increases the wearer's attack speed. The claws are taken from an old creature in the north, that has long since then gone extinct. Rare item.


Golden Hook

The Golden Hook is a collectible of old Pirates and seafarers, nothing special.

Aqua-Dashers (Limited by race)

Aqua-Dashers allow the wearer to walk on fluids when sprinting.


Increases jump height and decreases fall damage slightly... who thought it was a good idea to put helium into plastic??

Wormhole Mirror

Teleports you to your spawn, or teleports to another player. Very dark aura around it, making the wearer feel uncomfortable and weird.

Ring of Free Action

Grants immunity to slowness and levitation and allows free movement through cobwebs.

Gauntlets of Dexterity

Allows you to switch between items without resetting attack cooldown

Black Dragon Scale

Grants immunity to withering, some say the mother of all dragons might've dropped this.

Recall / Wormhole Potion

Teleports you to your spawn point or to another player when drank.

Phylactery Charm

When equipped, teleports you to your spawn point upon taking lethal damage. Does not work in situations where a magic mirror could not teleport you. Also functions as a broken heart when equipped. If held and right-clicked, functions as a magic mirror, but deals damage to you and teleports you instantly. Has a 3% fatality rate every time it is used. Unknown origins.


Grants immunity to weakness and mining fatigue, same debuff as the Antidote Vessel.

Shulker Heart

Grants immunity to levitation.

Magma Walker

Grants resistance from hot blocks damage, condenses lava under wearer’s feet

Midnight Robe

High movement speed during the night, hides the wearer while in places with lighting level lower than 2

Scarab Talisman

15% movements speed in the desert, blocks suffocation damage and grants wearer invisibility while inside blocks, can bury and dig wearer into blocks underneath

Stellar Catalyst

Each attack with a 15% chance can summon a falling star that deals 200% of the original damage. Only works at night

Drowned Belt

+100% dealt underwater damage, +50% incoming underwater damage

Hunter Belt

Looting increased by 1, pets do 200% damage.

Ice Skates (Limited by race)

+110 movement speed on ice, pushes mobs and deals 5 damage while colliding if running on the ice.


Chorus Inhibitor


Arrow Quiver

2x bowstring draw speed, next shot deals area damage proportional to the distance to the target.

Space Dissector

Throws a disk, which makes up to 10 bounces from the walls and causes damage in amount of 8 to all mobs on its way. Inflicted damage increases by 50% for each bounce. Rare item, only 2 exist.

Holy Locket

50% damage dealt to the undead enemies, 25% chance to ignite undead by each hit. 25% health regeneration. Has a direct connection to the one above, can be dangerous if worn for long periods.

Elytra Booster

A machine developed by the Aasimars, unknown what the exact effect is.

Magic Mirror

Teleports you to the latest respawn location when right-clicked, mirror has a 5% chance of shattering each time.

Ice Breaker

-10% movement speed, +7% falling speed. +50% knockback resistance, creates powerful explosive wave when fell on the ground.

Spore Sack

Has a 30% chance of spraying venomous spores at the point of projectile's impact, poisoning all mobs in a 3 blocks radius from the epicentre

Shadow Glaive

Fires a shadow glaive projectile that bounces off nearby targets up to 10 times and deals 5 damage. Every 10 sec. refills 1 charge.

Infinity Ham

An infinite food that restores 10 of hunger per use, has 3 charges, restoring every 60 sec.

Old Boot

+5% movement speed, used by old fishermen before the battle of a thousand suns.

Leather Belt

Allows to equip talisman, etc.

Horse Flute

Allows to call your horse to your location.

Wool Mitten


Ghost Skin Talisman


Squire's Bag


The Grey Zone

These are Baubles that are listed as "Grey", the might be removed in the future.

  • Curious Ring
  • Curious Amulet
  • Curious Crown
  • Curious Knucles