Danish-Prusso War (Day 8 - Day ?) XXIV

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Danish-Prusso War (Day 8 - Day ?) XXIV
Danish Prusso War.png
Date : Day 8 - Day 9
Location : Lower Baltic Sea
Status : Finished
Result :

Danish victory, Duchy or Pomorania forced to pay reperations, Prussia to demobilize by 250 men.



Flag of Denmark.svg.png Denmark Reconstructed Old Prussian flag.png Prussia
Ksy.webp Duchy of Pomorania
Supported by: Supported by:
Active: N/A Active: N/A
Reserves: Unknown Reserves: Unknown
Casualties and losses
Flag of Denmark.svg.png = 87 Reconstructed Old Prussian flag.png = 90
Ksy.webp = 50


Before the War

Before everything, tensions between Denmark and Prussia were already high, however, after the recent expansion from the Duchy of Pomorania into Wolgast, Denmark captured the Northern coast of Pomerania.

The Prussians were greatly displeased, as in earlier peace talks, it was agreed that the land Denmark took was to be neutral claim.

The War

Day 8, Tick 9000

The war breaks out.

Day 8, Tick 9700

Duchy of Pomorania joins the war on the Prussian side.

Day 8, Tick 15000

The Duchy of Pomorania falls to Danish forces.

Day 9, Tick 100

Stolp is taken by Denmark

After the war

After the war, mass sanctions were sent to the Duchy of Pomorania.

Denmark and Prussia signed another peace treaty.