Denmark (CWSX)

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Denmark is a country on the northern part of Europe, it is one of the larger naval powers of the continent and is also econimically a superpower.

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CWS X (1930 - 1960)

On February 19th, 1930, Denmark helped Scotland get independence by giving the highlands as a way for them to start.



The Socialist Democracy of Denmark is a bit different compared to others, all Military and Diplomatic aspects of the country is controlled by the state, AKA the Prime Minister at the time, whilst other affairs and such are decided by the country, and it's population. This gives the population the free choice to vote for their leader, and work with what they want to work with, and equality in the people is highly favourable, as pay gaps are minimal, except for extreme work conditions.



The Royal Danish Army (RDA) focuses a lot on fast, mobile vehicles, as it plays well into their typical approach to battles. They adopted "Blitzkrieg" from their southern neighbour, after its inventor fled to Denmark when the civil conflict started.


The Royal Danish Navy (RDN) is considered to be top of line in Europe, coming in close with nations such as: Baltic Union and Sweden. Denmark grew its navy to be like this, after all of it's conflicts with the British, trying to keep them at bay.

Air Force

The Royal Danish Air force (RDAF) was created in 1920, after they got sent some older planes from Germany. They have since modified these planes and made them perform optimally for the 1930s.


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Notable People

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National Subdivisions

  • Malta
  • Shetland Islands
  • Faroe Islands
  • Åland Islands
  • Crete (Considered Danish by the Danish government)

Other Recommended Headings

The following are not required but it's recommended to have at least something extra for your town page. Most are applicable to most nations.

  • Political Affiliation
  • Political Parties
  • Politics
  • Economics
  • Diplomacy
  • Maps
  • Pictures
  • Culture
  • Navy