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Die Deutches Reich (The German Reich)

Germany is a country located in Central Europe, and is currently one of the strongest countries in Europe, having a foothold on most corners of Europe as well. They have proven their worth and is an opponent one does not wish to fight.

Flag of Die Deutches Reich


Pre-CWS 9.0 (1919 - 1936)

After the great war of 1915, the German Republic fill into mass depression and economic despair, as they had to pay a lot of money to allied countries, money they did not have.

During the Dortmund uprising of 1931, a small Fascist driven group marched the streets of Dortmund, demanding a rapid change in the government, hoping to put themselves in charge, and in 1932, their leader "Adolf Hitler" was put in charge of the state, and the German Republic because The Third Reich.

In 1935 however, another opposition group came along, who heavily disagreed with Hitler's stand on the world, and the German Civil war kicked off after a brief exchange of fire in Rostock. At the end, the opposition won, and Karl Hanke was put in charge of the state, but it was not long before he started showing signs of going down the Nazis path.

CWS 9.0 (1936 - XXXX)

Germany made their first big move in 1936, where they sent a lot of supply and equipment to the Nationalist group in Spain, during the Spanish Civil War, but after seeing the brewing battle on their eastern most borders, they pulled equipment to focus on their own conflicts. This resulted in Germany getting their lost lands of Pomerania back in the north, which they lost in the treaty of Bastogne from 1919. They also took "control" of Posen in Poland, but this land remained disputed until March of 1939.

In 1937, the German government held a referendum with the Austrian government, for possible unification between the two nations, of which 79.4% voted to join Germany, and on May 9th, 1937, Austria officially became apart of Germany.

Germany briefly helped Hungary in retaking Transylvania on August 5th, 1937.

On March 5th, 1938, Germany officially got a hold in British lands, as they were playing a major part during the British Civil War, and Germany took control over Danelaw (Yorkshire). During the civil war, Germany also took Britain's colony in Gibraltar, and helped Italy take the colony of Malta.

On October 27th, 1938, Germany signed the Rosenheim agreement, where Germany would get the Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia, and Spain would get Gibraltar back from the Germans. A few months later they fully invaded and annexed Czechoslovakia, with the Czech Republic going to Germany and Slovakia going to Poland.

On March 8th, 1939, Germany invaded Poland with lightning speed, the country of Poland only falling a 19 days after the invasion started.

After the German Polish war, Slovakia was given to Hungary as gratitude for helping Germany in the war.


Nationalism (Akirism)

The Germanic Nationalism, also known as (Akirism) started back in the 19th century, where the idea of an entire country being run by one person, and the pests (Minorities) be ridded. It is very similar to Fascism, in the aspect where there are only a few differences, such as more free will to the people.


The Wehrmacht

Germany army is about focus on outmaneuvring their enemies, with most their tanks being based on agility and firepower. The first case of the Wehrmacht's use was during the Spanish Civil War, where the early Panzer I's were tested, and proved very effective.

The Luftwaffe

The Luftwaffe has so far proven to be the strongest opponent in the air, as they are using BF-109's to fend off their homeland. The Luftwaffe is mostly used for larger scaled campaigns, such as oversea campaigns, or long distance ones. See British Civil War or Battle of Corsica

The Kriegsmarine

The Kriegsmarine is currently the strongest navy, having heavy battle cruisers, battleships, destroyers and 1 large Aircraft carrier, Graf Zeppelin.


The Reichstag

The Reichstag is the tower of all of Germany, their pride and ego. The Reichstag has seen multiple things happen to it, like the Danish Storming of the Reichstag in 1926, or the Burning of the Reichstag in 1935. It is where all Diplomatic decisions from Germany are made.

The Brandenburg Gate

The Brandenburg gate was originally built on Lower Prussia's border with Poland, to signalize a person is now entering Germany, and it is greater here. The Brandenburg gate has also seen some battles, and there are still fortifications and defensives posts left from those battles back then.


Solowice was built during the 1920s, and was meant to serve as a death camp for people who had directly attacked the state of Germany, however as Hitler rose to power in 1932, the Solowice camp quickly turned into a concentration camp.

Notable People

  • Adolf Hitler
  • Karl Hanke
  • Erich Raeder
  • Karlo Marx

National Subdivisions

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