Polish State

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The Polish State

Poland is a country in Eastern Europe / Central Europe, with a small army and economy. It is a country that most just look over.

Flag of Poland


CWS 9.0 (1936 - XXXX)

After the old Polish government fell in 1935, a new Polish State was created, who quickly expanded and took control over the entirety of the country, forming a dictatorship.

On August 9th, 1936, Poland and Estonia declared war on the Baltic Federation, where they ended up winning and gaining most lands for themselves, as well as Latvia getting independence with support from the Russian Empire.

On December 10th, 1938, Poland received Slovakia in the splitting of Czechoslovakia with Germany.

And finally, on March 8th, 1939, the German's declared war on Poland, and the Polish only held out for 19 days, before capitulating.


Absolute Dictatorship

Everything in the country was controlled by the leader at the time, with no exception. This proved to be also another reason for the country's high unrest, as the leader Rydz could not keep up with the Polish standard of living.


Poland no longer has an Army

Poland no longer has an Air force

Poland no longer has a Navy


Warsaw Parliament Building

This building was created to host EUC meetings and conventions, it is located in Warsaw and saw minimal damage during the war.

Notable People

  • Kajfix
  • Marszałek Śmigły Rydz

The Future

Succeeded by Reichskommissariat Poland

Other Recommended Headings

The following are not required but it's recommended to have at least something extra for your town page. Most are applicable to most nations.

  • Political Affiliation
  • Political Parties
  • Politics
  • Economics
  • Diplomacy
  • Maps
  • Pictures
  • Culture
  • Navy