Second Doncaster Offensive

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The Battle

In an attempt to reclaim the UKs biggest city, they launched another, larger scaled attack on Doncaster, because of it's strategic significance and considering it was the main supply route from Germany.


After taking Grantham from their opponents, a cocky commander would lead their troops into the bloodiest battle of the war. Without much preparation or time to regroup, they launched the attack.


Firstly, KarloMarxist, GingerCG and Kajfix's groups pushed up directly north into Doncaster, but were brutally suppressed from German machine gun nests, in a desperate attempt to not lose momentum, they attempted a flank around west, to try and take the Doncaster Military Base, but once again, they were pushed back almost immediately, suffering many losses.

The smaller Danish group of 500 troops was sent up, under the command of William Prior, the east flank along the shoreline, however when they reached the Doncaster docks they were immediately surrounded and forced to surrender.

The group of GingerCG and KarloMarxist then attempted to push up the same flank as the Danish, to try and reconnect to their lost comrades, however they were quickly pushed back once more.

Miles Dempsey saw this as a no good, and decided the best way would be an all out charge up the main street of Doncaster, however once the troops reached the narrow streets of Doncaster, they were very quickly surrounded from both exits and mowed down by machine gun and HE shelling, this was also known as "West Street Massacre", where 2000 British soldiers were lost, including Miles.

After this, Arthur Tedder was put in charge of the remaining 3000 Soldiers, but he would soon announce he would pull out from the battle.

However, this would not signal the end of the battle, as KarloMarxist and GingerCG's group of soldiers snuck past the enemy frontline, and into Northern Doncaster. They were unfortunately chased back down towards the south, where they took shelter in an electronic factory. The building was quickly surrounded and they escaped out the back, where they met up with Kajfix's group. They then headed to the Doncaster Military base and took hold of it, where they would attempt to fight off the German and Fascist Brits approaching.

They eventually took it, however the enemy had laid siege on the base, and the British soldiers were forced to withdraw.


After the blood bath, a different approach was to be made, to not suffer as many losses as they now had. They would attempt this new tactic in Ireland, which was the next battle.

See also