Skuppinu CWS XIII

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Information (All that is known so far)

Skuppinu is a small half-human, who lives in the city of Eltoria. Skuppinu is usually a kind person, willing to help people if they are in need of it. Overall, Skuppinu is mostly mysterious about personality, rarely showing any kind of emotion other than care and happiness. Skuppinu only shows negative emotions towards people who have wronged them in the past, or who have done bad things.

Skuppinu is very accepting of gifts.


  • Fought in the great awakening
  • Owns a shop
  • Co-Founded a brewery
  • Commanded an army group in "Clash of the Sylf Island group"
  • Fought in The War of the Hills
  • Fought in the Great Dragon Wars


Skuppinu has a very formidable reputation, and is highly respected.



WarHero.png Farmers.png Kindness.png Explorer.png Knighted.png Honored3.png Truth.png Warrior.png Dragon.png Gehenna.png