Spanish Civil War Battles

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Navarra Offensive (Imperial Victory)

The offensive of Navarra on July 26th, 1936, was quickly pulled off by Imperial Spain, and they took the province with little to no resistance. Reasoning for this is still unknown, but it is believed the Nationalists were not yet fully prepared for war.

Battle of Granada (Imperial Victory)

The battle of Granada occurred on July 29th, 1936, and was one of the more deadly battles for the Imperialists, resulting in more than 20.000 losses, and only a miniscule 2300 losses for the Nationalists. This is also the battle that proved the effectiveness of German engineering, as it was the first battle that saw the use of the Panzer I.

Battle of Malaga (Imperial Victory)

The battle of Malaga happened on August 7th, 1936, 1 days after the Germans had pulled majority of their volunteer and military group from Spain. Meaning the Nationalists were meant to fight alone. The Battle of Malaga also signalized that the Imperialists were not going to give up no matter the cost, as a further 15.000 troops were lost on the Imperialists side.

Imperial control of Galicia (Imperial Victory)

Galicia was one of the more undefended locations in Spain, so the Imperialists did not take that many losses from it. Despite Galicia being one of the Nationalist centres of Spain, the Nationalist party of Spain did not attempt to do anything to keep it safe. The only resistance the Imperials met here was from the locals, as they did what they could to rid the Imperial Spaniards.

1st Battle for Soria (Nationalist Victory)

The 1st battle for Soria happened on August 15th, 1936. The Nationalist fort of Soria was very well defended, as it protected their biggest jack of all trades, the Airfield and Military base of Leon. The Nationalists defended this vigilantly, which resulting in Victory with only 4000 losses, whilst the Imperials suffered 40.000. The 1st Battle for Soria would go down as the bloodiest battle of the Civil War.

2nd Battle for Soria (Imperial Victory)

On August 30th, 1936, the Imperials launched another attack on the Soria Fort, this time however, they had the aid of Russian SU-1-12 artillery trucks, so they could easily bombard and lay siege on the fort, effectively starving the troops and forcing them to surrender. This was very successful, as Imperial Spain only suffered 100 casualties, most were from misfire from the artillery cannons, as this was very early Russian prototypes.

Attack on Miranda de Ebro (Imperial Victory)

The attack on Miranda de Ebro happened on November 18th, 1936. When the Imperialists decided to save their encircles troops in Cantabria. They once again used their newly received SU-1-12s and fired them from the Lerate Military Base, only a few kilometres west of the town.

1st Attack on Trevino (Nationalist Victory)

The Attack on Trevino, happened on November 19th 1936, which is only 2 kilometres north of Miranda de Ebro was much similar to the latter mentioned town, however, the Nationalist had now expected the Imperials to use the same tactics, so they briefly left Trevino and attacked the Lerate Military Base.

Defence of Lerate (Imperial Victory)

The Imperials were dug in and ready to defend on November 19th, as the approaching Nationalist army was looming over them. It was a short battle, with the technological upper hand held by Imperial Spain, the Nationalist stood no chance with their Bolt Action rifles. This battle marked the end of great Nationalist Strategies, as their top commander and lead strategist was shot in the advance on Lerate. Soon after, the town of Trevino also fell, as the Nationalist either surrendered or retreated.

British claim on Gibraltar (British Victory)

Amidst all the conflict, the UK had secretly landed troops in Gibraltar, and claimed the region for itself.

Siege on Leon (Imperial Victory)

The Siege on Leon was the longest battle of the Spanish Civil War, and lasted from November 27th 1936 to January 22nd 1937. Multiple attempts were made from both the Imperials to break the Nationalists defence, but also from the Nationalists to try and break the Siege the Imperials had laid upon them. At the end, the Imperials won the battle, as the starving Nationalists troops ended up surrendering. This defeat marked the downfall of Nationalist Spain. Nationalist Spain fell only 7 days later.