The "Liberation" of Isla Nublar

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The "Liberation" of Isla Nublar
Date : March 19th, 1931 - March 20th, 1931
Location : Isla Nublar
Status : Finished


Ghasel 1.png Ghasel Sanctus.png Sanctus
Santia 1.png Santia
Supported by: Supported by:
Sunaria 1.png Sunaria
Thora 1.png Thora
Active: 500 Active: 1.000
Reserves: 2.000 Reserves: 4.750
Casualties and losses
Ghasel 1.png = 430 Santia 1.png = 980

The Liberation of Isla Nublar was a succeeded attempt by Ghasel to expand it's territories overseas, it was an operation supported by Thora, who sent the U.N. Thoria as the lead ship of the operation.

Map of Isla Nublar taken from an aerial scout vehicle on March 13th, 1931.

Sanctus is an island country that has a puppet; Santia. They are both heavily religious countries located in the Poor Economic Zone.

Ghasel saw this as an easy opportunity to take the small island of Nublar, and make an attempt of enriching the area.

Before the War

Before the war, Ghasel and Thora agreed to the operation, and Thora moved the U.N. Thoria and the U.N. Styrka down to Kalafrana Port, where they met with the G. Millieri and the G. Francesco Laparelli.

They agreed with Sunaria to let them station ships at Novarosisk Port, where the U.N. Styrka would station itself as a supply ship incase things were to get rough.

The other 3 ships sailed east on March 15th, 1931, and on March 17th, 1931 the task force was spotted by a small team of soldiers situated at Mount Pleasant in the Torrian Federation, the message was quickly relayed to Sanctus and Sanctus immediately started pouring resources and money into Isla Nublar.

They managed to scoop together some trainees and cadets, and quickly stationed them on Nublar, now they just awaited the storm.

Picture of a Sanctus troop looking at the U.N. Thoria, as it just arrived south of Sanctus

At 1800, March 18th, 1931, the U.N. Thoria showed from the mist, just south of the island. It quickly aligned it's guns toward Nublar and waited. Soon after, Milieri and Francesco Laparelli lined up on the west side of the island, and aimed their guns as well.

The War

The war started at 0400, March 19th, 1931, with the U.N. Thoria opening fire upon the southern shores of Nublar, the Ghasel ships quickly followed suit and opened fire on the west coast. It is estimated a whole 430 Sanctus troops were lost in this fight, the rest retreated to the northernmost parts of the island.

It was discussed between Ghasel and Thorian naval commanders, whether to waste ammunition on the north end, as it would be a harder target to hit, in the end it was decided not to, this proved a vital mistake for their troops in the future.

At around 1200, March 19th, around 200 Ghaseli troops left the U.N. Thoria and boarded the southern shores of Nublar, where they quickly used the muddy trenches Sanctus had built to take cover. Not long after, all bombardment from the ships were halted, and another 100 Ghaseli troops landed on the western shores.

Here, the remaining troops of Sanctus rushed out from their hiding holes and bunkers and started battling off the intruders, the fighting was fierce, and the first wave of attackers were nearly wiped out, before the ships on the shores started opening fire on the island yet again.

Rain started to fall, as the muddy trenches only grew muddier, and the shell craters only grew larger. The Sanctus troops had to endure another 13 hours of pure shelling, before at 0500, March 20th, the final Ghaseli troops landed ashore. At this point, there were only around 250 Sanctus troops remaining, and another battle commenced.

A photograph of Isla Nublar after the war had ended.

At 0700, March 20th, a diplomat of Ghasel met with one of Sanctus, and they sat down. The line "We have many more weapons, stand down." was spoken to the Sanctus diplomat, who in turn accepted surrender and called off the defense.

At the end, only 70 Ghaseli troops were remaining, whilst only 20 Sanctus troops were left alive.

Isla Nublar is now in the hands of Ghasel, and has been renamed to: "Għawdex"