The Baltic War XXIV

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The Baltic War XXIV
MapChart Map - 2024-01-27T213859.191.png
Date : Day 22 - Day 22
Location : South Baltic Sea
Status : Ongoing
Result :




Flag of Denmark.svg.png Denmark Ksy.webp Duchy of Pomorania
Image 2024-01-27 205955009.png Union of Frisia-Schleswig Reconstructed Old Prussian flag.png Prussia
Royal standard of Sweden.svg.png Sweden
Brandenburg Flag 1340-1657.jpg Brandenburg
Supported by: Supported by:
Active: 10,000 Active: 600
Reserves: 3,000 Reserves: 400
Casualties and losses
Flag of Denmark.svg.png = 0 Ksy.webp = 0
Image 2024-01-27 205955009.png = 0 Reconstructed Old Prussian flag.png= 0
Royal standard of Sweden.svg.png = 0
Brandenburg Flag 1340-1657.jpg = 0


Before the War

After the events of the Nordik-Frisian War, The Duchy of Pomorania began looking at the now weakened state of Denmark and Frisia. They began mobilization of their troops to 300, in clear violation of the 50 max written in the Treaty of Rønne.

Denmark and Frisia, in no state to fight on their own, began inviting their neighbors into alliances, to make themselves stronger, in return for payment.

On Day 24, Denmark asked Pomorania to demobilize their troops, in which they declined.

The War

Day 24, Tick 2000

The war starts.

Day 25, Tick 5000

After the war