The Doncaster Offensive

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The Battle

As the war started to rage on, the United Kingdom had just lost their biggest city to the Fascists, and wanting to retake their crown jewel, they sent an attempt to retake it. However, this did not go as planned.


During the Fascist uprising in Britain, Doncaster was a main target for the Fascists groups, and it is where most of the Protests, demonstrations and riots were held. As the war kicked off, the Fascists immediately took control over the city, and did not plan on letting it go anytime soon. Britain then sent soldiers to try and retake not only the city, but the large port connected to it, hoping to cut off any supply from Germany.


The British group was stationed at Boston port, where the slowly started to prepare for the operation. When the call was given, majority of the group went north-east around the Boston Research centre, going off road in an attempt to flank the enemy. However, the Germans and Fascists were already dug in and ready to fight from all angles, so majority of the British soldiers were taken out just in the approach of Doncaster.

A few managed to get past though, but it would now just show that they were deep behind enemy lines, who had just gotten a supply of Panzer tanks from the German army, as well as equipment.

A smaller assault was launched just north of Grantham, but it was quickly repelled by Kaupisch's 1st battalion.


Following the war, the United Kingdom was pushed back quite far, as they had to set up a new base of operations in London, as the Fascist troops entered Northern London. Here, a stalemate started, where Miles Dempsey would be in charge. GingerCG, Kajfix and KarloMarxist and their groups would start heading to Cornwall.

See also