The Mediterranean War CWS XIV

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The Mediterranean War CWS XIV
The Mediterranean War (9).png
Date : - February 9th, 1935 - August 14th, 1935
Location : The Mediteranean / The North Sea
Status : Finished


Flag of Italy (1861-1946) crowned.svg Italy The United Kingdom Flag.png United Isles
1280px-Flag of Yugoslavia 281918E28093194129.png Yugoslavia 02504b96706fe1040f8fd49b5e08ec90.jpg Byzantine Federation
Flag of the Soviet Union.svg.webp USSR
1280px-Royal Standard of Denmark.png Denmark
Supported by: Supported by:
Flag of Syria .png Syria Sultanate of Egypt Protectorate Ensign.svg Sultanate of Egypt
Kurdistan.webp Kurdistan
Flag of Scotland.svg.png Scotland Was Supported by:
Flag of Albania (1928–1934).svg.png Albania
Active: 1.600.000 Active: 2.400.000
Reserves: Unknown Reserves: Unknown
Casualties and losses
Flag of Italy (1861-1946) crowned.svg = 724.800 The United Kingdom Flag.png = 221.000
1280px-Flag of Yugoslavia 281918E28093194129.png = 83.230 02504b96706fe1040f8fd49b5e08ec90.jpg = 1.223.830
Flag of the Soviet Union.svg.webp = 583.300 Flag of Albania (1928–1934).svg.png = 47.181
1280px-Royal Standard of Denmark.png = 18.310 Sultanate of Egypt Protectorate Ensign.svg = 204.340
Flag of Syria .png = 15.332
Y4nxvnf90il31.webp = 1.300


The Mediterranean War was originally only focused on the Mediterranean Sea, however as soon as Denmark and the United Isles joined, the war soon moved to both the Mediterranean and North Sea.

Before the War

In late January, Italy sent a proposal to the Byzantine Federation, regarding buying a large chunk of the nation, that being the desert region of Syria. The Byzantine Federation promptly declined this proposal, but the Italians would not want to give up so easily.

The Italians then sent 50.000 troops to occupy Syria from the Byzantine Federation, where they were engaged by 400.000 Byzantine thousand troops.

The United Isles then suddenly wanted to stop the Italian Aggression, they ended up getting their nose involved in the conflict and ended up declaring war on Italy.

The War

February 9th, 1935

The war kicked off and everyone started to declare war on each other. Denmark was the first to make advances into Cyprus, whilst Italy was being slowly pushed back by the Brits in Libya.

February 19th, 1935

Syria started an independence movement inside the Byzantine federation, putting more stress on the now collapsing nation.

February 28th, 1935

Denmark and Italy lands in Eilean Siar and Orkney Islands, preparing for a mass assault into British mainland.

March 3rd, 1935

Yugoslavia declares war on Albania, forcing the small nation into this massive war. Just a few days later, on March 25th, Albania fell to Yugoslavia.

March 25th, 1935

Syria is now fully independent and is actively supporting the war against the Byzantine Federation.

April 15th, 1935

Eleftherios resigns as leader of the Byzantine Federation

April 16th, 1935

Kurdistan and Türkiye declare independence from the Byzantine Federation. The Byzantine is now in full collapse due to their leader leaving them in a time of need.

Denmark launched attacks into Israel, with italian support.

April 28th, 1935

A Scottish independence movement, supported by Denmark and hosted by Denmark kicks off in the northern Highlands of the UI.

June 5th, 1935

The Byzantine Federation has fully collapsed. Eleftherios Venizelos had fled to Egypt, but a group of fugitives and wounded soldiers found him in his hideout, he has since then been exposed to torture and eventually, death.

June 19th, 1935

The Egyptian Sultanate does a final push into Libya, getting quite far.

August 14th, 1935

The United Isles surrender.

After the war

The First Meeting

The First Meetings Recap.

To see the full overview of the Meeting, please look at the picture next to this.