The Polish Civil War (CWS XIV)

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The Polish Civil War (CWS XIV)
MapChart Map (96).png
Date : January 8th, 1936 - March 18th, 1936
Location : Central Europe
Status : Finished


Volksfront Flag.svg DVF ImagePNR.png PNR
1200px-State Flag of Poland.png PPR
Supported by: Supported by:
Die Deutches Reich.png Prussia
Active: 1.200.000 Active: 600.000
Reserves: Unknown Reserves: Unknown
Casualties and losses
Volksfront Flag.svg 50.000 ImagePNR.png 237.100
RSP.png = 8.333
1200px-State Flag of Poland.png = 63.119
Die Deutches Reich.png = 59.000


The Polish Civil War was a war of a rogue dictator, who thought the world war beneath his feet, however, he soon figured out that he was but one man. The Polish Civil War was bloody, and very short lasted.

Before the War

Before the war, Ryszard Borowy started an uprising in Poland, to dethrone the current Prussian leaning government. Whilst he was successful in this, the Prussian's soon began to view him as "Rogue".

Ryszard began to paint Prussia and USSR as evil forces, and began ordering his people to attack and force Germanic and Russian civilians out of Poland, sometimes even by death.

Prussia then released an announcement, telling it's citizens living inside Poland to not let themselves fall to this tyranny, and to defend themselves from attacks.

Ryszard, in an attempt to get the peasants on his side, then took land and rights from the noble, and handed it to the peasants.

However, the Noble's were outraged at this, and soon declared themselves the "Ruch Szlachty Polskiej" or "RSP"

The war then kicked off with the DVF forming as well, on January 8th, 1936

The War

January 13th, 1936

Germany announces support for the Noble's and the DFF, equipping them with troops, equipment, and vehicles.

February 18th, 1936

The DVF and Noble's Party were already making large amounts of progress into Ryszard's claims. Many of Ryszards troops and soldiers soon began to switch sides, many defected into Prussia, and the city of Warsaw was now on the DVF's doorstep.

March 6th, 1936

Polish People Republic declares independence in the war. (Yellow)

March 18th, 1936

Ryszard Borowy has been assassinated whilst travelling to the Warsaw Headquarters building, it is unknown who took the shot.

His remaining 10.000 loyal soldiers then surrendered.

The PNR capitulates.

After the war

After the war, a lot of Polish citizens living inside Prussia started to grow afraid of what the Prussian government would do to them, after seeing how their old government treated the Germans.

However, Prussia has publicly said: "We will not step down to this level of incompetence and dictatorship, the Polish people do not have anything to fear, nothing will change from their usual lives."

The area of where the conflict took place was handed over to Prussia.