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The SIC or the "Skupp. Inner Circle" is the highest a regular person can get within the rankings of Buchen, and is usually given to people that are leading a research project or is a very well-trained soldier.


The SIC, as mentioned, consists of only the most brilliant minds, and they are considering very high value to Skuppens. They all corporate together in order to build on the "A New Tomorrow" Program. It is within the SIC most decisions are made, on what to research and how to better the welfare of the people.

Sub Classes

The S(ic)EU

The SEU (Skupp. Inner Circle Exploration Unit consists of armed "Soldiers" that go on expeditions around Europe, in order to retrieve scraps, research components, resources, etc.

The S(ic)PU

The SPU (Skupp. Inner Circle Protective Umbrella was formed to keep track on specific citizens of Buchen, hopefully in the future to train them to become better, or integrate them into the SIC, or just ANT in general. Anyone apart of the SPU will be heavily protected by Skuppens himself or the SEU.

The S(ic)AU

The SAU (Skupp. Inner Circle Aid Unit) was created to help people who lost their items and stuff during conflict, it was made to protect whoever paid them to.