The United Kingdom

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The United Kingdom

The UK is an island nation off the coast of northern France and west of Norway and Denmark. Usually rather unlucky in CWS, however having a lot of history to it, it has seen a recent rise in infrastructure and, whilst not being too well economically at the moment, it is rather well.

The United Kingdoms flag


Grace Years (1391 - 1860)

During the grace years, the United Kingdom expanded around the world, mainly to southeast Asia, the Americas and southern Africa, where they established a lot of colonies and became one of the richest countries.

CWS 2.0 (1860 - 1880)

All throughout this era, the UK did not do much, the only had a small campaign in Egypt, where the country of Egypt would remain disputed and in constant civil conflict until 1901, where the United Kingdom pulled out of Egypt.

CWS 3.0 (1910 - 1933)

On March 8th, 1922, the United Kingdom fell as puppet to the German Empire, an occupation that would hold until 1928, when the finally broke through, but became apart of the Franco Empire.

The United Kingdom eventually regained it's independence in 1930 however, after fighting the First British Civil War

CWS 9.0 (1936 - XXXX).

June 13th 1937 - March 5th 1938

The civil war between Fascists and Democrats broke out due to a series of errors by the prime minister of England. Fascists won in the end, and have taken Ireland and north-western Scotland, and Germany has took the former Nordic lands of centuries ago.

July 3rd 1938

Even after suffering such a loss, the brits took back North-Western France.



The Democratic country of The United Kingdom is a democratic country, with all decisions except within the military, which is put up to the vote of the populous of the higher-ups in the military, whilst other affairs are decided by the populous. This lets the British people vote for their leader, how they work and where, what laws are put into place and what ones aren't and so much more. This leaves a feeling of satisfaction in the Britons, as they know exactly what they want and what they're getting, and know they can trust the government and the government can trust them.


The Royal Armory

The armored divisions are a main source of protection, with all tanks being designed for separate rolls in which they perform perfectly. The light Crusaders of the armored divisions fly into a flanking spot to destroy the enemy from behind, whilst the heavy Churchills take the enemy from head on.

The Royal Air Force

The Royal Air Force is another main source of protection from any enemies in sight. The four classes focus on many different things. The first class, the Bombers, use incredible Lancasters to fly into enemy territory and bomb valuable infrastructure from well above to slow down the movement of the enemy. They're protected by the second class, the Escorts, usually Spitfires with extra fuel tanks to outmaneuver and destroy the enemy with its superior 7.7mm browning machine guns, or 20mm Hispanos. The third class, the Fighters, use Spitfires to patrol the skies in a war zone and clear out any enemy fighters to assert air superiority. This class may also act as fighter bombers for dive bombing. They're all trained to do so. The fourth class, the Scouts, go into enemy territory and jot down coordinates and locations of enemy infrastructure or bases for attacking later. They often consist of a single plane or few planes.

The Royal Infantry

The Royal infantry consist of many different classes of troops, such as LMG, officer or standard infantry. The British manufacture their own weapons and carry their own weapons, such as the Bren MK2.

The Royal Navy

The Royal Navy is currently being worked on, They have finished work on the HMS Norwich and have many in their fleet of many different ships. They are a strong navy.


Danish Embassy

Built in the 1910s, the Danish embassy was built in Edinburgh, Scotland to affirm the British alliance between Denmark and the UK.

Notable People

  • King Æthelstan
  • R.J Mitchell
  • George VI
  • William Tritton

National Subdivisions

Other Recommended Headings

The following are not required but it's recommended to have at least something extra for your town page. Most are applicable to most nations.

  • Political Affiliation
  • Political Parties
  • Politics
  • Economics
  • Diplomacy
  • Maps
  • Pictures
  • Culture
  • Navy