Thorian-Pskov Eastlake Pact CWS XV (REV)

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The Thorian-Pskov Eastlake Pact allows Thora and Pskov to have unlimited access to each other's countries, as well as joint military exercises. They will also secure a clear trade route between each other.

The Treaty States:


Thora will be allowed to indefinitely have access to the lands of Pskov, unless a mutual agreement to disband this pact has been passed in the future.


Pskov will also have access to Thora, mainly the Capital Hvalfjord, in order to use the banker and other economic opportunities. Pskov will also be allowed to use the Hasselborg Kanal in southern Thora and Northern Holstein.


Joint military exercises will take place every 10 days, switching location every time it is done.


Pskov will get the province of Ingermansland, in turn for 250 Dabloons paid to the Thorian government. Thora will still have full access to the port of Ingermandsbyen.


Pskov and Thora will, for the next 50 days, provide aid and military support to each other, in case of invasion.