United Kingdom (CWSX)

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The United Kingdom

The UK is a country located in western Europe. It is an isle nation, meaning it is surrounded by water. It's only neighbor is Scotland. The British pride themselves on organization, and make sure that everything is in order.

Placeholder Flag


CWS X (1930 - 1960)



The British Monarchy works as any other Monarchy. A King or Queen is brought to the throne via blood, and he or she rules the land until they die, in which the heir of the crown, the oldest male being priority, taking their place. The Monarch may have advisors at his request, however they are the one who makes the majority of decisions.



The Royal British Army (RBA) focuses on planning their attack and getting as many opinions on it as possible before executing it. The British army uses infiltration tactics and strong-points to weaken the enemy from behind before making a sudden attack.


The Royal British Navy (RBN) has gained experienced after the conflicts between them and Denmark.

Air Force

The Royal Air Force (RAF) was created in 1912, in which served in the first world war to fend off German attacks. The advancements aircraft manufactures such as Sopwith and Gloster, as well as the engine developments of such engine manufactures as Bristol or Rolls Royce, have made the British Air Force a fine opponent.


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Notable People

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National Subdivisions

Other Recommended Headings

The following are not required but it's recommended to have at least something extra for your town page. Most are applicable to most nations.

  • Political Affiliation
  • Political Parties
  • Politics
  • Economics
  • Diplomacy
  • Maps
  • Pictures
  • Culture
  • Navy