Velsyrian-Livland War

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Velsyrian-Livland War
2023-06-27 19.12.21.png
Location : Livland
Status : Finished


LivlandBanner.png Livland VelsyrBanner.png Velsyr
Supported by: Supported by:
Active: 53 Active: 1500
Reserves: 0 Reserves: 0
Casualties and losses
LivlandBanner.png = 50 VelsyrBanner.png = 121


The war between Livland and Velsyr was a quick but bloody war. It was a war that changed the eventual fate of Livland itself, as well as pushing close people away from each other.

Before the War

A few days before the war, Dietrich and Tord went to the old D.T.S.K. Brewery, to try and salvage things from the old safe room. Some passer bys saw the supposed “Robbers”.

They called the COV national police regiment, who sent a singular guard out to arrest Dietrich, as Dietrich was the only one who actually stole. Tord attempted to stall the guard, giving Dietrich time to put the valuables back, before using a recall potion.

The guard was then sent out to arrest Dietrich in Livland.

Upon arrival, the guard was killed during a quick duel between the guard and Dietrich.

The War

After this "Clear declaration of war", as said by the COV. They launched their new prototype airships, equipped with new, state of the art, weaponry. It was a design created by Skuppinu, who intended the use to be for trade and transport.

The airships showed up on a cold misty morning, 3 ships equipped for bombing, and 1 being a large mothership, where all the troops were on.

They started mass bombing the capital of Livland, and unfortunately, Livland did not have anti Anti-Air defenses. Nora attempted to fly up and bomb the ships, but only got two of them. She then brought Dietrich and Tord onto the mothership, where the goal was to simply burn the ship down.

Tord and Dietrich then caused lava to fall out of one of their containers, the mothership then caught fire and started crashing. It crashed on top of the east forest, where it also soon caught fire. The fire spread all the way to Frustra, killing a few people.

During all this, the Velsyrian army walked into Riverrun and took on the army of Dietrich's, well-trained knights. However, the knights were overrun and then the entire Livland army was wiped out.

After the war

After the war, the people of Livland started revolting, where one citizen named "Leonhardt" took the opportunity, and lead this revolt against the crown.