Fascist Britain

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Fascist Britain

Write a brief description of the country.

Flag of Fascist Britain


CWS 9.0 (1936 - XXXX)

On June 13th, 1937, the United Kingdom changed their ideology to Fascism, to both boost their claims around europe, but also to strengthen their (at the time) ally, Germany. However, the leader of Britain quickly went back on his word and held a vote, where 54.3% voted for democracy, and 41.5% voted for Fascism.

The Democracy in Britain was then restored, however, Germany quickly cut ties with Britain after this, stating they were too unreliable. The newfound love for Fascism in areas like Ireland and northern England grew larger and larger, and the people were unhappy with the frequent changes in Ideology, and the Second British Civil War kicked off on August 19th, 1937.


Fascism (Akirism)

The Germanic Nationalism, also known as (Akirism) started back in the 19th century, where the idea of an entire country being run by one person, and the pests (Minorities) be ridded. It is very similar to Fascism, in the aspect where there are only a few differences, such as more free will to the people.


The Army

The Fascist British army has proven to be one of the more daring armies in Europe, not caring too much about what consequences actions might have to another person or country. It is also heavily supported by Germany.

The Airforce

Fascist Britain receives all of their air support from Germany, and only has a small amount of Spitfires at their own disposal.



Notable People

  • Oswald Mosley
  • Karl Hanke

National Subdivisions

Other Recommended Headings

The following are not required but it's recommended to have at least something extra for your town page. Most are applicable to most nations.

  • Political Affiliation
  • Political Parties
  • Politics
  • Economics
  • Diplomacy
  • Maps
  • Pictures
  • Culture
  • Navy