London Liberation Project

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After being "Enslaved" by the Germans and the Fascist for a few years and months on end, everyone could see if something was not to be done, it would end horribly, the Danes finally gathered their troops and decided to liberate Britain!

London Liberation Project
Date : July 8th, 1939
Location : Western Europe
Status : Ended


Danelaw german.png German Danelaw Kingdom of Denmark flag.jpg Denmark
Fascist Britain.webp Fascist Britain
Supported by: Supported by:
Die Deutches Reich.png Germany Iceland-.png Iceland
Commanders and leaders
Die Deutches Reich.png Leonhard Kaupisch Kingdom of Denmark flag.jpg Carl Westermann
Danelaw german.png Arnold Wilhelm Kingdom of Denmark flag.jpg Vagn Bennike
Danelaw german.png Walther Nehring Kingdom of Denmark flag.jpg Erik Baron
Fascist Britain.webp Heinz Guderian Kingdom of Denmark flag.jpg Valdemar Bjerregaard
Kingdom of Denmark flag.jpg Harald Christian
Iceland-.png Olaf Helset
Active: 110.000 Active: 80.000
Reserves: ≈ 300.000 Reserves: ≈ 90.000
Casualties and losses
Danelaw german.png ≈ 4.000 Kingdom of Denmark flag.jpg ≈ 7.000

The War

Denmark, having the second largest navy in the entirety of Europe, if not a stronger navy than Germany quality wise, decided to finally do something about the rising fascism in Britain, and the looming and growing threat of another British Civil War.

July 8th, 1939

Early July 8th, 1939, Denmark sent a massive fleet towards the British isles, majority of troops landing in Argyll and Bute.

On July 9th, 1939, Denmark successfully liberated the main Shetland islands, and had landed troops south of Doncaster. However, the leader of Denmark not wanting a repeat of the Second Doncaster offensive, wanted to approach the battle more cautiously.

On July 19th, 1939, Denmark and Germany successfully signed a peace treaty, Germany would pull out of Britain with their troops and equipment, if it is promised they will not touch Ireland in the future.