Polish-Slovak War XXV

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Polish-Slovak War XXV
Date : August 14th, 1919 - April 3rd, 1920
Location : Slovakia
Status : Finished
Result : Poland gained L'viv and Rzeszow


Polan1.png Poland Slovak.png Slovakia
Supported by: Supported by:
Carp.png Carpathia Ruthenia Austriaczech.png Austria-Czech Union
Fra.png Empire of France
GCP.png German Confederate Pact
Active: N/A Active: 20.000+
Reserves: N/A Reserves: N/A
Casualties and losses
Polan1.png = 301,900 Slovak.png = 278,500

Fra.png = 20,000

GCP.png = 17.000


Before the War

August 3rd, 1919

Poland has demanded Slovakia to hand over "Polish" territories, the Slovakian minister has since replied the poles should kindly "Fuck off." from their land.

August 4th, 1919

The French Empire makes an announcement

- "An attack against the Slovakians for nothing would be a act of tyranny making the Poles Tyrannical, any such act we do not condone"

Poland responds and states that the demands were put in place as a peaceful attempt to resolve the matter. We mean no harm to the Poles within Slovakia, No Pole should be forced under a boot of a different ethnicity.

Sadly though, the Slovak government doesn't approve of this motion which forces us to enact upon what's right to help us regain Polish core territory.

Poland has begun mobilization on the Slovak border, Hungary has refused.

Hungarian Reply

Hungary states the treaty was signed with the previous Kingdom of Hungary, and not the current Socialist Kingdom.

It also states the treaty was mainly for threats, but seeing as Slovakia is not a threat, they choose not to act.

This comes with growing pressure from the worker population to avoid war.

Brandenburg comes out with a statement:

"If the polish population in Slovakia wanted to be apart of Poland, one reform or another would have happened, and they would not have voted to be integrated into Slovakia in 1918."

"If a peaceful unification cannot be achieved, then unifcation should not be on the table."

Brandenburg and the GCP seem prepared to sanction Poland.

August 5th, 1919

The Empire of France announces

"If any harm is to be made against the Slovaks, they will be aided and Poland will be economically sanctioned."

August 6th, 1919

The Austrian-Czech Union announce they will be sending a lend lease of weapons to Slovakia.

August 14th, 1919

The war starts

The War

After the war started, the Polish troops were quick to launch an attack on Rzeszow, a city they claimed was theirs.

The following "Battles of Rzeszow" were a bloody mess of loss and liberation.

Operation Badura

On March 3rd, 1920, the Polish forces launched Operation Badura, an attempt to take out the artillery nest in Base Charlie to protect Krakow from falling into Ruin.

The Operation failed, with nearly 35.000 Polish casualties

After the war