Romano Britain

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Romano Britain

Romano Britain was a country created to directly oppose the Kingdom of Thora, Romano Britain was a country of chaos and anarchy.

Romano Britain Flag


Pre-Doomsday (1354 - 1364)

During the Anarchist Uprising of 1354, MichaeLJPS lead a group of people into the headquarters of Thora, and erected a flag on a post. This would show the Thorians that Romano Britain was now in control.

The Thorians did not react kindly to this however, and soon sent a force to the headquarters and burnt the flag, keeping the leader MichaeLJPS captive for the time being... However, after only a few months of captivity, Michael eventually escaped further west from the Thorian lands, and established himself again as Romano Britain.

Romano Britain fell in 1364 after Doomsday.

Post-Doomsday (1364 - 1402)

After Doomsday, no one knew what to do, and the entire world was in chaos. In the year of 1402 however, Romano Britain sat down and established themselves a new country, that being The United Kingdom, and to focus more on Monarchy than Anarchism, something their rival (Thora) had been doing since the start.



Romano Britain was built upon overthrowing any controlling governments there might be, and every man had a right for themselves, to do as they please.


Romano Britain did not have a military after 1354, after a treaty signed in Belund.



Notable People

  • MichaeLJPS
  • LupusDM
  • Spoon

National Subdivisions

Other Recommended Headings

The following are not required but it's recommended to have at least something extra for your town page. Most are applicable to most nations.

  • Political Affiliation
  • Political Parties
  • Politics
  • Economics
  • Diplomacy
  • Maps
  • Pictures
  • Culture
  • Navy