Thorian - Romano Britain War

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Thorian - Romano Britain War
UN Fylryder TRB War.png
Date : July 1st, 1931 - July 19th, 1931
Location : The Northern Islands
Status : Finished


Thora 1.png Thora RomanoBritain.png Romano Britain
Supported by: Supported by:
Ghasel 1.png Ghasel
Active: 5.000 Active: 7500
Reserves: 15.000 Reserves: 500
Casualties and losses
Thora 1.png = 3244 RomanoBritain.png = 7430

The Thorian - Romano Britain War, also known as "The Northern War", was a war between the Kingdom of Thora and Romano Britain, two rivals for the past few decades. The two countries had always had border conflict without end. Finally, Thora decided to put an end to this.

Thora received support from Ghasel in this, with two small patrol boats for clearing smaller parts, and also keeping overview.

Before the War

Before the war started, tensions were at an all-time high, after Thora had gained experience in the Liberation of Isla Nublar, they felt powerful and ready to commence war against the RB.

Image, taken from a scout plane, of the southern shores of Caldaria just 3 days before the invasion.

Thora had also just completed building the U.N. Fylryder, and with Romano Britain not being able to keep up with technological advancements lately, they did not have any ships to defend themselves with.

The War

The Strait of Lysskov, aka the route that was blocked by Romano British troops, preventing Thorian trade through there.

The War started on July 1st, 1931, when a scout plane flew over the Southern most island of Romano Britain. Shortly after, a squadron of troops disembarked from the U.N. Fylryder, the squadron was called "AFG-10 (Attack Force Group 10)". AFG-10 quickly made their way into Elekjai, and took the city by force, pushing the RB troops up north. Next to fall was the Elekjai port, and from here AFG-10 was reinforced. The Destroyer just south started opening fire on the small bunker, in order to soften up the area for the incoming attack, much similar to what was done at Isla Nublar. Their final target was a bunker that had overlooked the strait of Lysskov.

Island of Geneva, taken from the air.

The next fort that needed to be captured, was Fort Lysskov, a very heavily fortified area. The landing forces were stuck using old modelled boats, so they could not go out on the open seas with them, this caused that the group was fired upon, even while they were sailing.

AFG-10 soon landed just west of Liegulda, where they quickly rushed in to take the town. They quickly attempted to move up towards the fort, but were heavily suppressed multiple times, and a lot of losses were inflicted to the Thorians. Multiple waves of troops were sent towards AFG-10, but they were never pushed completely off the island.

The Squad Leader called for immediate backup, and the U.N. Fylryder lined up her guns towards the island, and started opening fire. This massively helped the attackers and fort Lysskov soon fell after.

AFG-10 was then supposed to move up to the next island of Venea, but they were called to help the attacking forces of Thora on the Skylrd' southern shores, which was a massacre. Thorian troops were taking heavy losses and very quickly too. AFG-10 landed with the other soldiers, and were immediately shot after.

Eventually though, an opening arose at the west wall, and AFG-10 started to push through to flank the enemy. This proved very effective, and soon they were in the capital.

Soon after, Romano Britain fell and Thora regained it's old lands.