Kingdom of Thora CWS XV (REV)

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MapChart Map - 2023-06-27T145117.095.png
Coat of Arms of Jutland.png
National Information
Full Name Kingdom of Thora
National Anthem N/A
Name in Towny
Motto "Solen går ned på vore gyldne land" (English: "The sun sets on our land of gold.")
Population 👥 44.800
/n list page
Capital City Hvalfjord

👥 19.800

Largest City Hvalfjord

👥 14.800

Oldest City Ålborg (Day 3)

👥 9.400

Established Day 5
Government Information
Leader BodyAL.png Albrikt Lytfjaerd
Prime Minister Body4.png Alister MacDonald
Political System Authoritarian
Economic System N/A
Official Language - Juttish
Official Religion Suriacity
Army Size ⚔️2.050
Dominions - Ingermanland Pskov Control
Part of
Historical Information
Past Leaders - «August Dyrfred (Day 5 - 58»)

- «Erik Dyrfred (Day 58 - 70»)

Past Capitals * Ålborg


Day 5

Vendelbrog turns into the Kingdom of Jutland

Day 10

Frederik Eriksen gets assigned as Army General

With Frederik Eriksen in command of the Army, Juttish Troops march into "Slesvig" and capture the territory.

Day 12

Jutland annexes and claims Falkensland

Jutland adopts a new language: "Juttish"

Day 14

The Kingdom of Jutland makes a deal with Holstein to construct the "Hasselborg Kanal", stretching from the Baltic Sea to the North Sea. Holstein and Jutland sign the Treaty of Hasselborg

Day 15

Whilst sailing to Sunaria, a Juttish Frigate accidentally ran ashore in Calabria. The sailors quickly embarked on the land and started raiding the country, kidnapping 5 people with them home, to work as slave labour.

Day 18

Signed the Treaty of Zealand with Atmora

Day 19

Jutland annexes Fyn and Lolland

Day 20

Jutland adopts a new religion "Suriacity", and develops new traditions.

Jutland annexes Zealand from Atmora as per the Treaty of Zealand Atmora capitulates.

Frederik Eriksen gets assigned as Prime Minister

Day 28

The Kingdom of Jutland moves its capital city to "Hvalfjord"

The Kingdom of Jutland renames itself to "Kingdom of Thora"

Day 30

August Dyrfred sends out an onvoy to explore new lands, they discover Caledonia. Alistor MacDonald agreed to move to Thora, and join the high ranking as Minister of Development.

Day 33

Thora changes it's flag to now have a blue banner, with a red corner and white cross.

Day 35

Moskva and Thora signed the "Thorian-Moskva Trade Agreement"

Day 36

Moskva and Thora signed the "Moskva-Thorian Baltic Ties" Treaty

Day 38

Thora seizes control over "Ingermanland", setting up the town of "Ingemandsbyen"

Day 41

Prussia and Thora signed The Thorian-Prussian Banking Agreement

Day 47

Thora and Pskov signed the Thorian-Pskov Eastlake Pact

Alister MacDonald is assigned Prime Minister of Thora

Day 51

Thora signs the "First Thorian National Reform"

Day 52

Thora declares war on Holstein, the Thorian-Holstein War starts

Thora and Holstein sign the "Hamburg Treaty"

Day 54

Thora expands it's lands, taking 2 islands and establishing a new settlement named "Estland", just west of their old territory of Ingermanland.

Day 57

Thora starts negotiations with Svea Rike on a disclosed project.

Day 58

August Dyrfred has passed on the morning of Day 58, his Heir "Erik Dyrfred" has taken the crown and is the new king of Thora.

Day 59

Previous Prime Minister Frederik Eriksen passed.

Day 70

August Dyrfreds son: Erik Dyrfred, was killed in action, during a raid in the Anglish Isles. Erik never had a son, leaving the throne of Thora empty.

Day 71

Albrikt Lytfjaerd takes control of the throne, assuming power after no one else stood up. This was widely accepted, as Lytfjaerd used to be commander of the Thorian Army.

Day 73

After signing the “Scania Agreement”, Svea Rike (Sweden) and Thora have officially announced a union ("Union of Thora-Sweden"). Instead of having a dual-monarchy, they will elect a leader voted in by the population.

Day 161

The Thora-Swedish Civil War ends, and the Kingdom of Thora is brought back.




The Government is structured in ranks of the government, with "King" being the highest rank achievable. The King is the person who has the final word on anything.


The Prime-Minister is the person who seconds the King, in any case where the king is not available, it is the Prime Minister who makes the decisions. They have equally much power as the King, as long as the king is not around.

Other Ministers

Anyone below the Prime Minister functions similarly to them... While these ministers do not have as much power as the Prime Ministers, they are still perfectly capable of making short term or smaller decisions for the country, whenever both the King and Prime Minister are not around.



Whilst Thora does not have a big navy, it is still quite into trading overseas, and it earns most it's money from that.


Thora has developed something called a "Gyrocopter", allowing to essentially fly, at a limited speed. It is powered by muscle, meaning it does not require fuel.

Roads, ports, and trails

Thora has many trails and roads leading around the country, every single town has a road or port connected to it.



Thora earns most of it's GDP by trading and selling agricultural items, such as bread.




Thora has a few established trade routes around Europe, they have a trade route connected to Hamburg in Holstein, as well as a route leading all the way down to Sunaria.


Army conscription rate: 3%


  • Ålborg Coat of arms of Aalborg.svg.png
  • Grenå
  • Silkeborg
  • Esbjerg
  • Hasselborg
  • Hvalfjord Image 2023-05-25 221917726.png
  • Falkensborg
  • Odense
  • Malmø
  • Oestby
  • Hamburg HamburgCOA.png
  • Solby



The old Thorian Banner, also the main flag used when it was called "Jutland" instead of "Thora".